Dioceses > Fundraising Resources

Fundraising Resources

CatholicsComeHome.org works with partner dioceses to achieve the fundraising goal necessary to purchase media-time for the partner dioceses’ evangelization initiative.

As a first step, you will put together a fundraising team, or lead coordinator.

Fundraising Preparation Team:

  1. Secure help from Development / Stewardship Director
  2. Secure assistance from Pastors in top parishes
  3. Secure contacts from organizers of Bishop’s “annual campaign”
  4. Find lay chair, if possible, to help “co-chair” this effort

Two fundraising methods, or a combination of both, have proven to be successful Parish based fundraising and Event based fundraising.


You may likely have additional questions after reviewing these materials and attachments. Feel free to us by email or by calling 678-585-7886.

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