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The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate
By Gary Chapman
Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages of love and then guides couples towards a better understanding of their unique languages of love. Learn to speak and understand your mate’s love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return.Skillful communication is within your grasp!Seeking an Annulment With the Help of Your Catholic Faith
By Lorene Hanley DuquinGood News about Sex and Marriage: Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching
By Christopher WestMen, Women and the Mystery of Love: Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility
By Edward SriGrace Before Meals: Recipes and Inspiration for Family Meals and Family Life
By Father Leo Patalinghug
With just a few ingredients and a few hours of time, your kitchen can become the perfect setting notonly for a delicious meal but for experiencing the greatest blessings in life.Dear God, I don’t get it!
By Patti Maguire Armstrong
“Dear God, I don’t get it!” is the perfect story for 3rd through 6th grade Catholic kids and classrooms with excellent writing, vocabulary and thinking activities incorporated at the end of the book. It combines a great story with age-appropriate apologetics and is endorsed by best-selling authors Emily and Jeff Cavins as well as Bishop Zipfel.Amazing Grace for Married Couples: 12 Life-Changing Stories of Renewed Love (Amazing Grace)
By Jeff Cavins, Matthew Pinto, Patti Armstrong
Amazing Grace for Married Couples will deepen your commitment to marriage like no other book. This is a collection of inspiring stories about renewed relationships that were once on the brink of disaster. While most people would have written these couples off as hopelessly incompatible, through the grace of God, they overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles.Amazing Grace for Families: 101 Stories of Faith, Hope, Inspiration, & Humor (Amazing Grace)
By Jeff Cavins, Matthew Pinto, Patti Armstrong
The word family brings to mind thoughts of joy, sacrifice, affection, hardship, and humor. Yet it is love that defines what it means to be a family, and it is this same love that gives a family their purpose. In bearing witness to the mystery of the love of Christ, the family becomes the domestic sanctuary of the Church.Amazing Grace For Fathers
From Catholic Word
Amazing Grace for Fathers celebrates the power of fatherhood — and that power is love. The love of our fathers on earth reflects the infinite love of God, our heavenly Father, from which all fatherly guidance, discipline, and protection flows.Amazing Grace for Mothers: 101 Stories of Faith, Hope, Inspiration & Humor
By Patti Maguire Armstrong, Emily Cavins, Jeff Cavins, Matthew Pinto
Amazing Grace for Mothers will lift your heart and send your spirit soaring. You will laugh, you will cry, but most of all you will be refreshed by stories of love, inspiration, miracles, and God’s amazing grace.Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
Pope John Paul II on “The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World”
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