Católicos Voltem para Casa na mídia

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CCH Recommends…

Need a place to go to find out whether a new movie is worth seeing? Steven Greydanus reviews films through the lens of faith to help guide Catholics toward movies with wholesome themes and messages.

Check out his website, Steven is often a guest on Catholic Answers Live radio, too!


Freedom for all!

Today we celebrate our country’s independence. What a blessing it is for Americans to have the freedoms we have. As American Catholics, we must also ensure that we have religious liberty! Today marks the end of the Fortnight for Freedom, called for by the US Bishops to raise awareness, education, prayer, and action for the protection of religious freedom in our country. Please continue to stay informed, tell others, and take action to preserve respect for our Catholic faith in America.

Click here to read Archbishop Chaput’s “Repair My House: Renewing the Roots of Religious Liberty.”

“Religious freedom is a cornerstone of the American experience.” -Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M, Cap.


Happy Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul!

What an exciting day in the Church this holy day is! Today we celebrate the lives of Saints Peter and Paul, two of the most daring preachers of the Gospel and apostles chosen by Christ in the beginning of the Church to help the spread of Catholic Christianity.

Take some time today to read the about Saints Peter and Paul in the New Testament. Their stories are sources of inspiration for all Christians who struggle with remaining faithful in their journey with Christ and who hope to evangelize their world.

Check out our page on the papacy too, for more about St. Peter, the first pope!

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!

Happy Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist!

Today we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist, the great herald of the Gospel, preparing the way for Christ. John recognized his mission from God to point to the son of God and the coming of the Kingdom, and he lived that vocation with great passion…even unto death. His attitude toward Christ is summed up in his beautiful words:

“He must increase; I must decrease.” (John 3:30)

We can all learn from John and point others toward Christ every day of our lives. How can you bring the Good News to people in your life today and this week?

John the Baptist, pray for us!

TRUE FREEDOM: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Liberty

Cardinal Dolan writes new eBook on Religious Freedom!

True Freedom: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious LibertyTimothy Cardinal Dolan of New York, President of the USCCB, has written True Freedom: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Liberty. Random House is publishing the eBook, which is available for electronic download now for only 99 cents!

In the book, Cardinal Dolan explains the need for all Americans to embrace a new culture rooted in what Blessed John Paul II called the Gospel of Life – where the sacredness of all human life and the freedoms that are their birthright, are upheld, respected and protected by law.


The Unitefortnight-for-freedom-montaged States Conference of Catholic Bishops has dedicated the fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, to a “fortnight for freedom”—a great hymn of prayer for our country. Our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome.  Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action will emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty. Dioceses and parishes around the country have scheduled special events that support a great national campaign of teaching and witness for religious liberty.

Please join with our team in praying for our beloved country.

True Freedom: On Protecting Human Dignity and Religious Liberty, by Cardinal Dolan

Get the Kindle edition of Cardinal Dolan’s True Freedom here! It’s time for Catholics to be informed and stand up for human dignity and religious liberty. Share with friends too…it is only $0.99!

Are American liberties on the endangered species list? In this eBook original, the Archbishop of New York and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issues a plea for all citizens to reject the cynicism of the day and foster a culture in which religious freedom and all human life are infinitely valued…” (read more at

CCH Recommends…

Five Myths and Misconceptions about the Papacy,” an article by Patrick Madrid from his book, Pope Fiction.

Find out the facts behind these fictional statements:

Fiction 1 – Peter was not the first Pope

Fiction 2 – The Pope cannot be the Successor of Peter

Fiction 3 – The Papacy is a medieval invention

Fiction 4 – Pope Joan

Fiction 5 – The Pope is the Beast of Revelation 13


Happy Feast of St. Anthony of Padua!

St. Anthony was a Franciscan, a man of great prayer and an amazing teacher of Scripture and theology in France and Italy. St. Anthony gives us a beautiful example of what happens when one completely surrenders his life to Christ. He is the patron saint of lost items, the poor, and travelers.

“Attribute to God every good that you have received.” -St. Anthony of Padua

St. Anthony, pray for us!


Happy Feast of Blessed Pope John XXIII

Blessed John XXIII is perhaps most well known for his convening of the Second Vatican Council. He was a humble man, passionate about bringing the Church to understand the Gospel better.

“Mother and Teacher of all nations—such is the Catholic Church in the mind of her Founder, Jesus Christ; to hold the world in an embrace of love, that men, in every age, should find in her their own completeness in a higher order of living, and their ultimate salvation.” -Blessed John XXIII, Mater et Magistra (Mother and Teacher)

Blessed Pope John XXIII, pray for us!

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