Católicos Voltem para Casa na mídia

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National Media 'Comes Home' for Holy Week FEATURED ON FOX NEWS NATIONWIDE

ATLANTA, Ga. (April 7, 2010) (CCH) was prominently featured on FOX News Channel in three unique stories totaling over 12 minutes of national news coverage.

In addition to this national TV coverage, CCH appeared as a main feature in several major newspapers over the course of Holy Week, recognizing the effectiveness of the CCH campaigns.

The national FOX News stories, highlighting the Seattle and Green Bay CCH campaigns, come on the heels of two previous CCH appearances on the network, and serve as a breath of fresh air in the midst of continual negative coverage of the Catholic Church in the media.

Click here to read more and view and enjoy the vast positive Holy Week news coverage.

Archdiocese of Seattle Priest Sees the Impact of TV Commercials

Archdiocese of Seattle Priest Sees the Impact of TV Commercials:

“I think the ads are definitely having an effect,” said the Rev. Hans Olson, pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Church in Everett. Olson said Lent and Easter typically bring people to church, “but not in the numbers we’ve seen.”

Through responses in church and talks he’s had, Olson estimates that 25 to 30 people have come to St. Mary Magdalen recently because of the Catholics Come Home messages. He also thinks the ads have influenced faithful regulars. “Probably more than anything, it’s brought an awareness to Catholic people already here, an energy towards their faith,” Olson said.

Visit to grow in your faith each day!

Catholic Priests Supported by Emerging Grassroots Effort (For Immediate Release)

Catholics Come Home

ATLANTA, Ga. (April 1, 2010)—A lay Catholic organization announces the formation of a new movement to support Catholic priests called™ . This announcement comes on Holy Thursday, the day Christians celebrate the anniversary of Christ instituting the priesthood and the Eucharist.

Throughout the centuries, over a billion people around the world have witnessed the service and dedication of Catholic priests.  Some recall the heroic and sacrificial example of military chaplains, priests who serve in nursing homes and hospitals, fathers who feed the poor, pastors who serve as peacemakers during marriage counseling, or priests who have celebrated a family wedding or funeral Mass.

Yet today, the secular media is laser-focused on only a handful of wayward priests who have betrayed Jesus and the teachings of His Church, and are violating a sacred oath and trust. But millions of faithful priests and bishops serve as heroic shepherds of their flocks, leading rewarding and spirit-filled lives of service to others.

According to Tom Peterson, founder of™ , “Countless priests deserve our true gratitude and love, as so many lead sacrificial and humble lives. These noble men of God need our encouragement and could be uplifted by a simple prayer and a gentle word of appreciation from us.”™ was established in Lent 2010 by the non-profit Catholic media apostolate, Catholics Come Home, Inc.® ( Peterson, president and founder of adds, “It’s timely to launch this movement during the ‘Year for Priests’ as declared by Pope Benedict XVI (June 2009-June 2010), and to continue supporting the priesthood for many years to come! Our mission is to encourage priests, and promote priestly vocations through our love and prayers.”

On Father’s Day (June 20, 2010),™ will launch an interactive website currently in development ( that will assist Catholics in offering “spiritual bouquets” (gifts of prayer),  e-cards, printable greeting cards, video messages and blogs with kind words of gratitude to show appreciation for countless priests around the world.

Similar to the highly creative CatholicsComeHome television ads that have aired coast to coast helping over 100,000 inactive Catholics back to the faith,™ plans to air TV commercials that support the humanitarian efforts of priests and encourage more priestly vocations.

### is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.™ is a special communications outreach project of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

Where is your heart as you enter Holy Week?

Have you prepared yourself to enter Holy Week? Here are some beautiful words from our Holy Father to reflect on as we approach the Easter Triduum. His comments should help you gauge where your heart is as you enter this holy time of year…

“In reality, here we discover divine justice, which is so profoundly different from its human counterpart. God has paid for us the price of the exchange in His Son, a price that is truly exorbitant. Before the justice of the Cross, man may rebel for this reveals how man is not a self-sufficient being, but in need of Another in order to realize himself fully. Conversion to Christ, believing in the Gospel, ultimately means this: to exit the illusion of self-sufficiency in order to discover and accept one’s own need – the need of others and God, the need of His forgiveness and His friendship” (Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent 2010).

Have you relied on God to transform your heart this Lent? It’s never too late to rely on His love and mercy.

Have a blessed Holy Week, from

Getting to Know Our Lady…

Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation, and we commemorated Our Mother Mary’s “fiat” that should remind us of our need to grow in holiness and conformity to the will of God this Lent.

AnnunciationoftheLordWe have so much to learn from Mary’s life after this beautiful event. But what about the pre-Annunciation Mary? What can Our Lady teach us about humility and virtue through our glimpses of her early life?

Check out this great article by Dr. Ted Sri: The Original Mary: Our Lady’s Life Before the Annunciation.

You are in our prayers here at as we prepare to enter Holy Week! God bless! in the California News – Celebrating "belonging"!

CCH in the News:

California newspaper, Colfax Record, reports of Nigerian-born priest rejoicing in his USA citizenship and relating it to the Diocese of Sacramento’s recent TV campaign.

“…Fr. Ambrose can relate to the Catholic Church’s recent ‘Catholics Come Home’ campaign.

The nationwide effort began as a grass roots movement to encourage those who have left the Catholic Church for one reason or another to return to their faith.

‘People have changed over the last 20 or 30 years and so has the church in many aspects,’ he said.  ‘We want people to know that they may have left the Catholic Church, but the Church is still here and cares about them.

Much as he wanted to belong to the U.S., Fr. Ambrose believes many crave the need to belong to a church community.

Reaching out to the community in an attempt to re-establish dialog with Catholics who no longer attend church has gotten positive feedback.

Fr. Ambrose noted that several families have accepted the invitation to ‘come home.’

‘Sometimes after Mass someone will come up to me and say, ‘Father, I am back!’ This is very encouraging,’ he said.”
click here to read entire article

Visit each day this Lent to grow in your faith and love of Christ and His Catholic Church. TV messages continue to reach Green Bay Catholics!

Another GREAT update from a Diocese of Green Bay parish:

“An article on Catholics Come Home regarding St. Francis of Assisi and St. Peter the Fisherman Parishes has made the front page of the Manitowoc Herald Times.

We have had 9 people fill out cards. Five have registered. Our materials on our guest table are going.  People have taken the pamphlets on annulments.”

Please continue praying for those being reached by CCH TV ads, and grow in your faith this Lent by visiting each day!

CCH Recommends…

Godless_Delusion_CoverHave you heard about Patrick Madrid’s new book to be released May 1? It’s called The Godless Delusion: A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism. Keep up with Patrick’s blog to get updates on pricing, pre-order info, and more details!

And have you seen this one by Dr. Peter Kreeft? beforbefore i goe i go was written for his children, but contains beautiful lessons for all of us, like the importance of love and forgiveness in our relationships. Read some exerpts from this great book here. It will leave you wanting to read more!

God bless and have a wonderful day! To find more great books to help you grow in your Catholic Faith this Lent, visit

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