Católicos Voltem para Casa na mídia

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The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas isn’t over yet! While many in our culture are already packing up the Christmas decorations, we are just beginning to celebrate Christ’s birth in the Church!

Here is a great article by CCH advisory board member, Dr. Peter Kreeft, that will help you and your family “look deeper” into the meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas from your team at!


During College Football Bowl Week

December 27, 2012– Atlanta (Roswell), GA —They say football is like a religion for some die hard fans, that’s why Catholics Come Home® plans to air a new national television commercial during college football bowl week, and ending with the BCS National Championship (Notre Dame vs. Alabama), Jan. 7, 2013.

This one-of-a-kind ad features legendary football Coach Lou Holtz delivering a rallying half-time pep-talk.  In the 30-second commercial, Holtz coaches viewers to “the goal in life – heaven.” He is an ideal person to deliver the message, since Holtz is a devout Catholic and well-known veteran of goals, coaching Notre Dame to the National Title in 1988 during their last undefeated season.  

Catholics Come Home® Founder and President Tom Peterson says, “Faith is not a spectator’s sport; it must be lived…it’s interactive!”  This is why his non-profit is trying a new play with the goal of winning loyal fans for Jesus and the Church.

When Peterson was asked how this campaign would be funded in a sluggish economy, he replied: “With God, all things are possible!  After all, the Holy Spirit inspired me to write this script more than a year ago, long before Notre Dame ever played its first game of their undefeated season.  Then by God’s grace, I ran into Coach Holtz last July in the Los Angeles airport, inviting him to star in this evangomercial™. So you can understand why I’m confident that God is watching over us and has a wonderful plan in store!”

Some football experts do not think Notre Dame has a prayer of winning against the SEC powerhouse, Alabama, who won the BCS Championship last year.  While Peterson, who is a loyal Georgia Bulldogs fan, has not divulged who he is cheering for in the BCS title game, he is certain who will win: “All those viewers who follow the wisdom of Coach Holtz—keeping focused on the goal in life: Heaven. They will be the true winners when their final down is played.”

The new Catholics Come Home® evangomercial will air in various markets and programming throughout the United States, reaching an estimated 70 million households between December 27, 2012 and January 8, 2013.

In December 2011 through January 2012, Catholics Come Home® aired their first national television campaign on cable, satellite and major television networks, including CBS, NBC, Univision and others, reaching over 125 million viewers 10 times each, according to Neilsen data.  In the 35 regional dioceses where and (Spanish) ads have aired, many dioceses who conducted census comparisons reported an average increase in Mass attendance of 10 percent.  Some dioceses have reported results of a nearly 18 percent increase following the Catholics Come Home® airings, along with other benefits like: stronger Catholic identity, increased participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, increased tithing and volunteerism, and a stronger desire to go deeper into the faith.  Current regional Catholics Come Home® evangelization campaigns are also airing in Cincinnati, Vancouver (Canada), New Orleans, Colorado Springs, and Venice, Florida, through the New Year.

Perhaps the new Catholics Come Home® football themed ad will help motivate some loyal football fans and their families to set a New Year’s resolution of coming home to weekly Mass and the Catholic Church!


To schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®, please send email request to   Links to: is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.  Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 30 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop James Conley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.

Evangomercial is a trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

The Image/Random House book entitled, “Catholics Come Home…God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life” authored by Tom Peterson, with Foreward by Dr. Scott Hahn, is available for pre-order on



Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life
Now Available for Pre-order

December 20, 2012– Atlanta (Roswell), GA —Catholics Come Home® enthusiastically announces the release of Founder and President Tom Peterson’s first book, Catholics Come Home: God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life, with a foreword by Dr. Scott Hahn. The book will be released in early February, but it is available now for pre-order.

Tom Peterson built his career as an award-winning national corporate advertising executive over the last thirty years. Now, as founder and president of the apostolate, he shares stories from his own faith journey and offers inspiration for believers from all walks of life, whether lapsed or practicing, to deepen their faith and draw them closer to Jesus and His Church.

Catholics—and even non-Catholics—are offering praise for his new book:

“We are in the midst of a New Evangelization 
and I believe this book is a signal moment in its success.”
Dr. Scott W. Hahn, author of The Lamb’s Supper and Signs of Life

“This book’s powerful message contains both a heartfelt invitation — ‘Catholics, come home!’—and an encouraging statement of an often overlooked fact— ‘Catholics come home!’ With enthusiasm, humility, and
 wisdom born of his own lived experience Tom Peterson lays 
out the salient reasons for both.”

Patrick Madrid, author of Envoy for Christ: Twenty-Five Years as a Catholic Apologist

“Catholics Come Home is a powerful sacramental, a means of grace. It is a willing, waiting taxi to take us home, to our home away from home, the 
Catholic Church, the mystical body of Christ.”

Dr. Peter Kreeft, author of Handbook of Christian Apologetics

“The mission of Tom Peterson and Catholics Come Home to bring souls home to Jesus and the church is critically important during this challenging time in our history. I fully support this New Evangelization project.”
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life

“Catholics Come Home inspires each of us to share God’s love with others, in order to help change the world for the better, for eternity!”
Roma Downey, Touched by an Angel actress, and co-producer of the History Channel series The Bible

“[Tom Peterson] has a statistically verifiable program of bringing people back to the Church.”
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York

Peterson is also available for speaking engagements for the Year of Faith.


To schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®, please e-mail to is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.  Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 30 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop James Conley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.

Evangomercial is a trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

The Image/Random House book entitled, “Catholics Come Home…God’s Extraordinary Plan for Your Life” authored by Tom Peterson, with Foreward by Dr. Scott Hahn, is available for pre-order on



December 13, 2012– Atlanta (Roswell), GA —Catholics Come Home® announces the complete graphic and functional overhaul of its interactive website,, along with new campaigns for Advent and the Year of Faith. The new site is easier to navigate, more appealing in design, and more robust in content, putting it at the forefront of cutting-edge Catholic websites.

The website launch comes as Catholics Come Home® begins its first international airing of evangomercialsin the Archdiocese of Vancouver this Advent. A Catholics Come Home® campaign is also underway in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, beginning on Dec. 14.

These diocesan campaigns will air in conjunction with the new Catholics Come Home® “mini campaigns” this Advent and January.  In response to the Vatican announcing the Year of Faith in October, Catholics Come Home® is offering its original diocesan partners the opportunity to continue their momentum of evangelization by airing TV and radio “mini campaigns” featuring its evangomercials. A number of dioceses are participating, including the Archdiocese of New Orleans, the Diocese of Colorado Springs, and the Diocese of Venice, Fla., which means more souls will be reached in regions across the U.S.

“We hope that our updated website, Advent campaigns, and Year of Faith mini-campaigns will contribute to a greater revitalization of the Catholic Faith during this year in the Church,” says Tom Peterson, founder and president of Catholics Come Home®.


To receive a copy of the ad for media broadcast or to schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®, please contact is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.  Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 30 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop James Conley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.

Evangomercial is a trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.



December 3, 2012– Atlanta (Roswell), GA—While the “war on Christmas” rears its ugly head once again in our secular culture this Advent, Catholics Come Home® continues to combat the attempts by secular groups to censor and silence the voice of Christians in America.  “ proclaims the good news of Jesus and His Church, by using mainstream media to remind people of the hope that Christianity offers our wounded world,” said Tom Peterson, Founder and President of Catholics Come Home®.

The mainstream media in Cincinnati, site of the latest Catholics Come Home® diocesan partner initiative, appears to be fully embracing this outreach of the New Evangelization.
With over 3,000 evangomercials airing in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Lima covering the tri-state area (Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky) this December and January, it will be hard to miss these inviting messages calling families home to Jesus and His Church.

Catholics Come Home® is simultaneously airing its first international campaign in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, B.C., where 41% of the population has no faith, which is reflected in the following media coverage.
This Advent, some CCH diocesan partners (New Orleans, Colorado Springs, Venice FL) will also air a second media campaign to keep up the momentum of the New Evangelization. evangomercials represent a proud and significant voice of hope for Catholics and all Christians in the public square. They are messages for the New Evangelization, aimed at a culture in dire need of faith in God. “Catholics Come Home® is  bringing light into the darkness through our evangomercials ,” Peterson said. “We will not back away from the public arena.  Now, more than ever, Christians are called to live and share their faith in Jesus Christ.”

A first-time ever national primetime Catholics Come Home® TV ad campaign aired across the United States in English and Spanish ( during the 2011 Christmas season.  This national campaign reached over 125 million television viewers an average of 9.7 times during the three-week campaign.


To receive a copy of the ad for media broadcast or to schedule an interview with Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home®, please contact is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks.  Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 30 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop James Conley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.

Evangomercial is a trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.

Is Hell Crowded or Empty?

“Rob Bell is an evangelist and pastor – a leader in this emerging church movement. He’s written a book called Love Wins and it’s a book about eternal life. And he stakes out a more or less Universalist position meaning everyone get’s saved, so in the end, everyone gets to heaven. And it’s kicked up a controversy…Watch and listen to Fr. Barron’s commentary discussing ‘Is Hell Crowded or Empty?'” at!

Get your FREE CD about Bringing Catholics Home!

A Free CD by Tom Peterson

“We believe this is the most entertaining Catholic recording of all-time on the subject of modern, mature evangelization. Tom Peterson, the founder of Catholics Come Home, is hilarious, insightful, and inspirational. This talk will supercharge your zeal for souls and provide you with a pitch-perfect tool for inspiring family, friends, co-workers, and Catholics in parishes in your area.”


Happy Feast of St. Frances Cabrini!

“Frances Xavier Cabrini was the first United States citizen to be canonized…In 35 years Frances Xavier Cabrini founded 67 institutions dedicated to caring for the poor, the abandoned, the uneducated and the sick. Seeing great need among Italian immigrants who were losing their faith, she organized schools and adult education classes.”

Learn more about St. Frances Xavier Cabrini here!

St. Frances Cabrini, pray for us!

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