CCH Makes News on International TV Station; More Catholics Come Home!

Dear Friend of,

We pray your Lenten season so far has been fruitful and blessed! It is a privilege for us to share with you the good news happening at Catholics Come Home® during this penitential season.

Oscar comes home with the help of Catholics Come Home® evangomercials!
We were thrilled to receive a testimony from our new friend, Oscar, the other day. He shared with us:

“Catholics Come Home could not have started at a better time for me. I left the faith when I was 16. It took 17 years for me to circle back in search of God. My prayers and studies led me back to the Catholic Church, and the inspirational commercials gave me the added courage to make that decision.” -Oscar, Allen, TX

Oscar is now so on fire for his Catholic Faith that he works as a St. Paul Street Evangelist! Praise God!

Have you see our “Epic” ad again during “The Bible” on History Channel?
Please continue to pray for the impact of the Catholics Come Home® evangomercials™ that are airing with your Lenten almsgiving during The Bible on the History Channel. The premiere episode alone had over 27 million viewers, making it the #1 cable event of the year. Also, after promoting our “Epic” evangomercials™ airing during “The Bible” through social media, we grew our Facebook page by more than 1,000 additional “followers” and reached over 126,000 people on Facebook…all in just one week! The numbers continue to grow. Praise God!

Catholics Come Home® appears on The Filipino Channel in Vancouver!
The exciting success of our first internationally-aired Catholics Come Home® evangomercials™ continues to make its way into the news…this time on The Filipino Channel!

Thanks to your generous spiritual and financial support, we are continuing to reach millions of people with the good news of the Catholic Church that Jesus founded. God-willing, the result will be that we can have more stories like Oscar’s! Please join us in our mission by sponsoring more ads so we can continue this effective evangelism outreach!

As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission to invite Catholics and non-Catholics home to the Catholic Church.

Your brother in Christ,

Tom Peterson and your team