Invite others home to the Catholic Church.

We are grateful to be Catholic, and we’re glad you are too. There is so much to love about Jesus and His Catholic Church, and it is infinitely important that we share this good news with others!

Since its founding, Catholics Come Home has helped more than 500,000 people return home to the Church through the working of the Holy Spirit and with the cooperation of supportive Catholics who desire to invite others home.

Jesus shows us a glimpse of the reward for our faithfulness to Him and to spreading the Gospel when He says in Scripture, “Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…” (Matthew 25:34). God calls us to tend to the physical needs of our brothers and sisters, but also to their spiritual needs. People are hungry and thirsty for the truth… if we don’t bring it to them, who will?

Many Families Don’t Attend Church Weekly. Help them home!

The gifts of God’s eternal love and the Church He gave to guide us to heaven are meant for everyone. It’s up to us to share these gifts with the world, starting with those we love and those in our own community. Chances are you know someone—maybe many people—who have left the Catholic Church. Often, all they are waiting for is an invitation to come home, an invitation that can be extended to them by ordinary followers of Jesus Christ, like you and me.

How can I help my loved ones come home to the Catholic Church?

It can be very painful when a loved one is separated from the faith. However, many of the saints and other holy men and women felt that same pain. The Holy Spirit endowed them with the wisdom to reach out with the truth of the Catholic faith in a respectful, appealing, and effective manner. There are resources available to aid in your evangelization based on the wisdom of these holy people. This wisdom can change negative attitudes toward the Catholic Church or help bring someone out of indifference and into the light of truth. Pray, pray, pray for the souls of those who are away, and share your faith “with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15) with those you know, whether through your personal witness, your invitation to Mass, or through the gift of a great Catholic book or CD. Remember that God wants your loved ones home even more than you do! Remain trusting in His love for them and in the Holy Spirit to guide you to serve them as best you can.

How can I bring the evangelization work of Catholics Come Home to my parish or diocese?

At Catholics Come Home, our goal is to invite as many souls home to the Catholic Church as possible, and we can’t do that without your help. We would love to partner with your diocese to air Catholics Come Home evangomercials in your area or to help supply your parish with great evangelization tools. Let us help you set your community on fire with love for Jesus and for the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church he gave us, through the many high-quality and easy-to-use resources we have here for your Diocese or Parish.

Watch our Catholics Come Home TV Series to hear powerful stories of those who have come home and learn how to evangelize!

I am proud to be Catholic. Leia mais »

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