Religiosity declines?

- Catholics Come Home® to launch in Cincinnati and Vancouver!
In an effort to evangelize all nations, we are excited to announce the launch of Catholics Come Home® in the Archdiocese of Vancouver—our first international diocesan partner! In addition to Vancouver, Cincinnati will also simultaneously launch Catholics Come Home® in Advent 2012, with commercials airing Dec 13, 2012 – January 20, 2013. The timing couldn’t be more perfect, with the Church’s “Year of Faith” kicking off this November, right before the Advent campaigns! We ask you to please pray for the success of these evangelization campaigns, so more people can return to the practice of Catholicism in the Year of Faith!
- More Inspiring Testimonials:
Fallen-away Catholics return to Church in St. Louis!“I really came home, and I just love it…I returned because I saw those ads. It was like the ads were talking to me. Now every time I do receive communion, I come back to the pew and tears just flow; I feel so good. It’s like a burden has been lifted off me.” –Madge (Madge’s husband, a non-Catholic, will also be entering the Church!)
“As time went by, we got kind of lax (about going to Mass) and it became easier
and easier (not to go) … (The Catholics Come Home® commercials) caught my eye. I thought they were informative and encouraging to bring me back…I didn’t need to worry. (Coming home) has been great.” –Shirley
“I will start RCIA next month. I was baptized a Christian as a young boy in my parents’ church, but I never joined the Catholic Church when we were married 45 years ago.” –Tom (Shirley’s husband)
“We have seen an increase in Mass attendance and in stewardship numbers.” –Fr. Siefert
Your generosity continues to reverse the trend of religious decline in our country and worldwide, so that more Catholics like Madge, Shirley, and Tom can be welcomed home. Thank you for your support and prayers, and for answering Christ’s call to evangelize all souls: those nearby, and around the world! is a 501(c)(3) non-profit media apostolate, dedicated to producing and airing Catholic evangelism television ads on local, national and international television networks. Catholics Come Home® is guided by a 26 person Advisory Board, including Cardinal Seán O’Malley, Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Bishop Michael Sheridan, Bishop Jaime Soto, Bishop James Conley, and other highly respected theologians and Catholic business executives.
Evangomercial™ and Catolicos Regresen™ are trademarks of Catholics Come Home, Inc. Catholics Come Home® is a Federally Registered Trademark of Catholics Come Home, Inc.