What is God’s Will for You?

Check out this great article on the Integrated Catholic Life by Dr. Peter Kreeft about discernment. In it, he gives practical principles and clues related to finding God’s will for you.

JeremiahByRembrandt-234x300Dr. Kreeft points out: “All God’s signs should line up, by a kind of trigonometry. There are at least seven such signs: (1) Scripture, (2) church teaching, (3) human reason (which God created), (4) the appropriate situation, or circumstances (which he controls by his providence), (5) conscience, our innate sense of right and wrong, (6) our individual personal bent or desire or instincts, and (7) prayer. Test your choice by holding it up before God’s face. If one of these seven voices says no, don’t do it. If none say no, do it.”

You can also listen to the Catholic Answers LIVE audio: Discernment: Is it God or Just Me? by Father Thomas Dubay. In the program, he helps us to discern whether or not God is guiding us at times, or if it is just us…

The Catholics Come Home team is praying for God’s will to be done in your life today and always!
