Dioceses > Welcoming > Post Initiative
Post Initiative Mass Count Census
This section is designed to help you prepare the parishes of your diocese to be warm and welcoming. Also, the post-initiative Mass count census component allows you to measure your results and report the results back to those supporting this CCH diocesan partner evangelization initiative.
CCH Diocesan partners are responsible for providing a pre-campaign Mass count census and conduct a post-campaign Mass count census within the month following the CatholicsComeHome.org evangelization initiative (if Advent initiative: census count near end January/beginning of February – avoiding any holiday weekends or special events that might skew numbers high or low. If Lent initiative: census count several weeks after Easter, avoiding any Spring break or vacation dates that might skew numbers high or low).
(A pre campaign Mass count census is requested if the data from the required October count is not thought to be accurate per the diocesan team’s judgment). The results of the post-campaign Mass count census data will be reported to Catholics Come Home, along with reporting any other anecdotal stories of returnees, priests’ positive experiences, etc., so that CCH can share these testimonials and results in an effort to continue the positive momentum towards a national CCH campaign.
Diocesan communication to all parishes asking them to participate in post-initiative census count
Helpful Former Diocesan Partner Contact Person:
Ryan Hanning
Diocese of Phoenix
Director of Parish Leadership Support
The Diocese of Phoenix had a neighboring university assist with analyzing the post-initiative Mass count census data. The census results showed that an estimated 92,000 souls returned to the faith after the CCH partner evangelization initiative (click to read Catholic News Service story about the Diocese of Phoenix results)
You may likely have additional questions after reviewing these materials and attachments. Feel free to contact our Program Director, Susan Parkin, by email or by calling 678-585-7886 (x106).